
07 Formoz(1) 心中奔馳的那台摩托車


去年七月底的野台,還有什麼比Yo La Tengo一上場就祭出小喜美(Little Honda)還叫人興奮感動的? Little Honda是我第一首愛上Yo La Tengo的歌,先前倫敦Bush Hall聽的那場沒等到,卻在台灣的野台帶來一個大禮物,看我抓狂亂跳以至錄得七零八落影像,即可得知我開心到腦溢血程度 (↓)...

不過,這半年來想起野台的氣味,趕也趕不走的卻是一首陌生的歌。那晚,盡心守在台下第一排的死忠樂迷在換曲間隙猛搖手中的布條,不停地忘情吶喊, "Speeding Motorcycle!!!", "Speeding Motorcycle!!!" ,果然,前奏揚起,大家不顧一切地尖叫鼓掌。此時此刻,每個人心中的夢幻逸品都變成那台馳騁於心田的摩托車,呼嘯過夏日夜晚的山舞台,留下了急促卻璀璨的一道車痕。當晚的野台好美,光是憑空回想,就能真切聞到嘴邊那陣甜甜的啤酒味兒。埋藏在集體狂喜中,自己因默默感動而緊緊抓住褲子的生澀體驗。第一次聽見,便迅速愛上。怎麼有那麼棒的音樂?

Speeding Motorcycle 是《魔鬼詩篇》主人翁Daniel Johnston所寫,不僅他本人唱過,Mary Lou Reed也有一個非常輕柔的版本。不過聽到最後,還是帶有現場魔力的Yo La Tengo這版我最喜歡。原因當然很私人-因為我被煞到的就是這一版本嘛,哈。單就情感來說,近距離聽Ira唱出「我心中的摩托車,路是我們的,一起加速吧!」這種感性歌詞,配上木吉他和歌曲本身真誠又溫柔的旋律,合併所散發出的光熱就已經是絕對耀眼了。


Speeding Motorcycle

Speeding motorcycle,
Won't you change me?
In a world of funny changes,
Speeding motorcycle,
Won't you change me?
Speeding motorcycle, of my heart
Speeding motorcycle, always changing me
Speeding motorcycle, don't you drive recklessly
Speeding motorcycle, of my heart

Many girls have taken you out for a ride
Hurt in deep inside
But you never slow down
Speeding motorcycle, of my heart
Speeding motorcycle, let's be smart
Because we don't wanna wreck
We can do a lot of tricks
We don't have to break our necks
To get our kicks

Speeding motorcycle, the road is ours
Speeding motorcycle, let's speed some more
And 'cause we don't need reason and we don't need logic
'Cause we've got feeling and we're damn proud of it

Speeding motorcycle, there's nothing you can do
Speeding motorcycle, I love you
Speeding motorcycle, let's just go
Speeding motorcycle, let's go, let's go, let's go

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