
Never Told You

Jarvis Cocker尚未發行的新歌 Never Told You


I never said I was deep, but I am profoundly shallow~~~~~!!!

昨晚簡單生活節Jarvis現身,原本妄想他唱Pulp時期的歌(尤其是Common People, Disco 2000, Like A Friend... 阿,太多了),儘管一首都沒實現,但是光聽到Tonite還有Never Told You兩首現場,就夠我回味很久且值回票價!!! (況且還拿到了Brett的簽名 ^^)

Never Told You這首新歌兩個禮拜前才第一次於倫敦發表,台灣是他第二個表演的地方,能聽到現場真是幸運到想噴淚!昨晚Jarvis抱病撐完演唱會,依然魅力驚人,我們都笑他的宅舞有運用popping的技巧,超瞎超帥的。希望他感冒可以趕快好起來!

年底以這兩位英搖大咖作結尾,實在是太完美。從去年初回國後,就接連看了Muse, Travis, Jarvis Cocker & Brett Anderson... 太夢幻的英搖陣容了!總讓我回歸感動初衷,忘卻生活疲累並再度蓄滿電。太多樂迷都抱定這是畢生一次的心態朝聖,能在這樣的集體意識下和大家一起安可喊到沙啞,真是再神聖又純粹不過的事。


Never Told You@London Shepard Bush Empire Nov.28.08

Never Told You

I love your body 'cause I've lost my mind
If you want someone to talk to, you're wasting your time
If you want someone to share your life, you've been someone who is alive
And if every relationship is a two-way street, I have been screwing in the back whilst you drive

I never said I was deep, but I am profoundly shallow
My lack of knowledge is vast, my horizons are narrow
I never said I was big, I never said that I was clever
If you are waiting to find what's going on in my mind, you could be waiting forever
Forever and ever

I can get you to the end of the night 'cause I'm afraid of the dark
I have to confess I'm out of my depth
You're going over my head and straight through my heart

Some girls play dirty, some girls want to be your mum
Me, I disrespected you whilst we were waiting for the taxi to come
My moral sense is shabby, my behaviour unacceptable
No, I'm not looking for a relationship-- just a willing receptacle

I never said I was
I never said I was
I never said I was

I never said I was deep, but I am profoundly shallow
My lack of knowledge is vast, my horizons are narrow
I never said I was big, I never said that I was clever
If you are waiting to find what's going on in my mind, you could be waiting forever
Forever and ever

I never said I was deep, but I am profoundly shallow
My lack of knowledge is vast, my horizons are narrow

I never said I was deep

4 意見:

匿名 提到...

謝謝你的分享 我從SIMPLE LIFE之後因為這首歌在youtube上找了好久才找到這首歌的歌名 我轉貼了這邊的歌詞 到我的MSNSPACE!

匿名 提到...

哈哈 真的有popping到

有點要立正敬禮 但卻卡在胸前的位子

匿名 提到...

您好,抱歉因找不到留言板,所以留話在這邊.我是從產地到餐桌(http://www.wretch.cc/blog/justeating )的板主徐仲。接下來的一個月,我將是TVBS周刊的食尚玩家網站駐站寫手,協助分享並回答網友關於餐飲及旅遊方面的問題。貴站有篇關於義式烤春雞的內容恰與本周主題有關(聖誕烤雞),如果不介意,希望能將貴站的內容做超連結,將貴站介紹給食尚玩家的網友,不知此舉是否可以,還請板主告知。如果冒犯到您,請立即告訴我,我將立即去除超聯結。

我的信箱為 bigant04@yahoo.com.tw

dearlayla 提到...

我也很期待這首歌,我看台灣當晚的錄影檔,Jarvis在台上說歌名是"I Never Said I Was Deep" 誤導我一開始找很久 !_!


那個,我已經寄信給你囉!雖然烤雞食譜留在這篇超怪,但考慮到Jarvis姓氏裡也暗藏了"雞"... 就覺得也還蠻搭的啦.......