
Fitter, Happier,我也想過積極的生活










less productive 降低效率
seemly comfortable 差不多舒適
not drinking too much (3 times a day) 不要喝酒過量(一天三次)
no exercise at all 完全不用運動
getting on better with your associate employee contemporaries, or not 和同事相處更融洽,或不融洽也沒關係
at ease when you want to 想要的時候就放鬆
love microwave dinners and saturated fats 愛極了微波食品和飽和脂肪酸
a patient awesome driver 一個有耐性又技術好的駕駛
a cool car (normal baby in back seat) 一台很酷的車(後面坐著平凡娃兒)
sleeping well (with dreams) 睡得好(多夢)
paranoid 偏執
talk to all animals (live with spiders down the plughole) 和各種動物說話(與一隻住在插座洞裡的蜘蛛同居)
keep in contact with human beings(enjoy a drink now and then) 和人類保持聯繫(不忘喝一杯)
don't check credit at (moral) bank (hole in wall) 一點都不在意銀行的信用點數
favours don't want to refuse 沒有想要拒絕的人情
fond and always in love 鍾情而且一直在戀愛裡
charity standing orders even when poor 窮的時候仍然做點慈善
on sundays ring road fresh markets 週日都去傳統市場
(with mothers or aunts) 和老媽或阿姨們
car wash parties(also on sundays) 洗車派對(一樣在週日)
enjoy dark 愛黑暗
and midday shadows 以及正午的影子
everything so ridiculously teenage and desperately good 所有的事情都不成熟但好到令人絕望
everything so childish 所有的事情都很幼稚
at a crazy pace 以一個瘋狂的步調
faster and use calculators 更快速而且使用計算機
great escape 大逃亡
stay self-exploded 保持自我爆炸
less concerned and power 少一點關注和權力
an empowered and informed car (pragmatism not idealism) 一台有力而且資訊功能齊全的酷車(實用性,非理想性)
will cry for help 一定會哭求幫忙
always ill but in fact not 總是病奄奄但其實沒有
tires that grip in the wet and run well in deserts (shot of normal baby strapped in back seat) 可以抓住溼地的輪胎而且能在沙漠裡跑得順暢(瞥見一個平凡娃兒坐在後座)
a bad memory 很糟的記性
still cries at a bad film 看到爛電影仍然會噴淚
still kisses with saliva (3 times a day) 仍然用口水親吻(一天三次)
always empty and frantic 老是空空的、瘋瘋的
like four cats and more 喜歡四隻以上的貓
tied to a stick 被綁了起來
that's driven into 開到一片
frozen winter wilderness (the ability to start a fire) 冬日凍死人的荒原(擁有生火的能力)
angry 憤怒
alive, healing better and more destructive 活著、復原更快、更有破壞性
a person 一個人類
on earth 在地球上
on placebo 吞著安慰劑

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